Book Study Questions
There are two sets of questions. One is for use at church book groups, the other for nonchurch groups. Mix and match as you wish!
Bound by an Oath - Book Study Questions for Church Groups
The theme of conflict of religions was prominent in the book. Which three religions coexisted in Britain in the fifth century?
The author is an ordained Episcopal priest. Did she portray the other religions in a respectful way? Give examples to support your answer.
The story of Cain and Abel (Genesis 4: 1-18) provides a metaphor in Bound by an Oath. Does it work?
What other biblical characters do you see reflected in the book’s characters? Rahab (Joshua 2), Cyrus of Persia (Ezra 1) Others?
How sincere are Aethelreda and Blaedswith in their conversions?
Can Aethelreda be a good Christian with her strong desire for revenge? Give an example of an American value that is antithetical to the values that Jesus exemplified.
How have BOTH Aethelreda and Blaedswith changed by the end of the book?
Is Paulos noble, or is he a coward?
Paulos was an accomplished ambassador and evangelist. Was the Pope justified in punishing him for so long?
Have you ever had to decide between two people or things in your life that you loved? How did you resolve that conflict?
Bound by an Oath - Book Study Questions for General Groups
- The Fifth Century was a time of change for the people of Britain. Was there anything about that period as presented in this novel that shocked or surprised you?
Did the author paint a clear picture of the settings? Give an example to prove your point.
Did the plot line of Bound by an Oath progress at a satisfactory rate?
Did any of the characters stand out for you? Who and why? Which character did you empathize with the most?
Did your opinion of any of the characters change as you read more of the book? If so, how?
What evidence of good stylistics did you see in this novel?
What themes did you identify and how did they impact the characters?
Why did Aethelreda send Paulos back to Rome when he offered to stay with her in her village?
Have you ever had to decide between two people or things in your life that you loved? How did it feel? How did you resolve the conflict?
Did the events and characters in this book have any relevance to us in the 21st century?
Character List
Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.
Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.
Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.
Abbas Matthaeus – (Ab -as- Matt-ay-us) Abbot of Pomposa Abbey
Aedisonne - (Add- i- son) Son of Aethelreda
Aeditha – (Add- i- tha) Niece of Blaedswith
Aethelreda – (Ath-il-reed-a) Queen of the Cantii
Andreas – (An- dray- us) Brother of Blaedswith (formerly Aedelheard )
Blaedswith – (Blad-swith) Owner of the villa and silver mines in Wingham. Wife of Godefridus.
Bertrand – Porter at Pomposa Abbey
Butu – Son of Caradeg, lover of Lugotori
Caradeg – King of the Catuvellauni
Carvilius- (Car-vill -ee-us) King of the Cantii, father of Aethelreda
Chad – Husband of Docillina
Docillina- (Doh – sill – ee- na) Personal servant of Aethelreda in later years
Eadric – (Ed- rick) Servant of Blaedswith
Father Aelwyn – (Ail- winn) Cleric of St. Martin’s , Wingham
Father Augustus – Cleric of St. Mary’s, Lower Combe (Formerly Frater Augustus)
Father Graeme – (Gray- im) Cleric of St. Paul’s, Vagniacis
Father Oswald – Cleric of Holy Trinity, Canterbury
Flavia – Flavius and Aeditha’s daughter
Flavius – Husband of Aeditha, former Roman soldier
Frater Augustus – Monk accompanying Paulos on first & second journeys. Becomes Father Augustus
Frater Luke – Monastery companion of Paulos in his old age
Frater Marcos and Frater Julius – Monks who accompanied Paulos on fourth missionary journey
Frater Paulos – Monk from Ravenna, beloved of Aethelreda
Frater Theophilus – (Fra-ter Thee-off-i-lus) Monk who replaced Paulos on third missionary journey
Garth- Leader of the Saxon invaders
Godefridus – (God -i-free-dus) Owner of the villa and silver mines in Wingham. Husband of Blaedswith.
Harold - Aethelreda’s personal servant in later years
Hermanrich – (Her-man-rick) Servant/guard of Garth
Ionnia – ( Eye-o-nee-a) Blaedswith’s servant
Laurentinus – (Loh-ren-teen-us) Roman crew, first mission trip
Lucius – (Lew-chi-us) Roman crew, first mission trip
Lugotori - Cousin of Aethelreda
Martialis – (Mar-chi-ah-lis) Roman crew, first mission trip
Merewenne 1 – (Mer-wen-a) Mother of Aethelreda
Merewenne 2 - Daughter of Aethelreda
Mildreth – Aethelreda’s personal servant
Oswald - Flavius and Aeditha’s son
Petros- Oldest brother of Blaedswith (Formerly Seanu)
Pope Innocent I – Pope during Paulos’s early life
Pope Leo (the Great) – Pope at the end of Paulos’s life
Raedbora – (Rad -bor-a) Saxon entry guard
Roderic – Cantii entry guard
Quintus – Captain of ship, first and second missionary journeys
Segovax – (Se-go-vax) Cousin of Aethelreda
Synnove- (Sin-ove) Flavius and Aeditha’s daughter
Thorsimund – Garth’s person servant/ guard
Toberon – Brother of Aethelreda
Wigmaer – (Wig- mayor) Servant of Blaedswith
Wilfred – Brother of Aethelreda